Friday, June 22, 2007

crock pot roast (a la robin)

so the best thing i ever bought with my wedding money (wink, wink) was the fix it and leave it 5 ingredients only recipe book from costco. it is amazing. and it only calls for 5 ingredients! none of these exotic things that you have to search for! it has been fantastic. i highly recommend it.

just last sunday i made my own roast recipe (it's not hard, honestly!).

the night before i cut up potatoes, onions and carrots. i then added olive oil to a large freezer ziplock back. i added salt and pepper and garlic salt. then i added the vegetables and mixed them around and placed them in the fridge over night.

in the morning i added my roast and the vegetables. some more salt, pepper and garlic and about 5 hours later on low we had an amazing feast. i think it really made it more flavorful to leave the vegetables marinating overnight (although i was just going for fast on sunday morning! not necessarily tasty!) the carrots were slightly undercooked and crunchy... my dad reminded me i should have added a cup of water! so there you go... my super easy crock pot invention! ha ha. i know you are all uber impressed.

p.s. catherine just might kill me but i am in charge of making fancy schmancy cupcakes for a bridal shower next month so if anyone has a killer recipe please let me know! i found the magnolia recipe already and may test it out!

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